Finding Joy In Keeping Home



Actually, two of my secrets to finding joy in keeping home and not seeing it as a chore or something I dislike, avoid or hate has been:

1. Pretending I am a beautiful Disney Princess while I do whatever and so I sing and hum happily as I go about my day thinking positive thoughts.

2. I make sure that every corner of our home is decorated in such a way that we absolutely adore and love. If we don’t love something or it no longer serves a purpose then it has to go.

So basically in order for me to feel happy I want my environment to have lots of “pretty eye candy” in each and every room even if I had to resort to making or creating it myself.

I remember growing up in a poor family my mother and sisters used to shop from the “second-hand stores” (thrift stores) sometimes and they would bring home only the things that were beautiful or had great potential to be made into something beautiful or else it stayed in the store and so they’d resort to creating or making things they envisioned they wanted.

For instance, my mother would buy some of the prettiest sheets and turn them into curtains for windows or closets, and make duvet covers and pillow shams to match the decor with them. My sisters used to hand draw pictures or cut out beautiful scenery from a magazine then frame it and hang it up.

So I continue to walk in their shoes to this very day. For instance, I purchased a pretty boudoirs coloring book and colored a page I liked with glitter markers and crayons, cut it out, and framed it, then to make it extra pretty I decorated the frame with pretty lace, and pretty fabric flowers to hang on the bedroom walls and bedroom bathroom door. Also now that I’m passionate and in love with diamond painting I find some of the prettiest scenes to create and then hang them on various walls throughout the house.

I took my cues as a young girl from my mother, older sisters, and various older woman who were friends or relatives of the family. So I try to never bring anything past the front doors of my home that my husband and I didn’t love. We didn’t care about how cheap the item was or if it was free because if it’s an ugly eye sore point blank we don’t want it in our space. I guess that’s how most people feel about their space too.

We’d rather live in a totally empty home void of any furniture or anything for as long as it takes rather than fill it up with ugly free or cheap things just to fill in a space. I find that I’d rather save the money up to buy a beautiful quality piece of furniture only once. I’ve been known to keep a beautiful piece for many, many years just as my mother would do and that’s how we save money by not having to buy something over and over again due to its quality or just not liking it.

So basically I’m the type of person who if I don’t see what I like in a store I’ll use some type of fabric, yarn, or tools to craft and create what I want and see in my mind. So our space is very personalized.





I like to call my self a happy soul, a daydreamer and have a heart of a gypsy. Love to use my imagination. And trying out new things. Life can be so wonderful and enjoyable when I am being positive and releasing.
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