Elevate Your Vibrations/Energy Level & Leave People With Lower Energy Levels… Alone!



We all want and deserve someone in our lives that responds to us. You know the type of people that give you attention and when you ask for anything they are not acting like you are bothersome. Also, they don’t wait in responding to you. As a matter of fact, they are eager to respond to you because they love you.

But then there are certain people who don’t respond to you. Take, for instance, when you text them they don’t text you back, no doubt they see your text, they read it, but instead, they take several days to text you back.

In my opinion, when I have someone in my life who doesn’t respond to me, who is ever so slow at giving me attention in that when I text them, it’s days before they text me back or don’t bother to text me back at all. Within I am happy and contented that they aren’t responding to me.

As for me, I know I really don’t want to be involved with someone that makes me feel kinda “iffy” if you know what I mean. Because if someone important to me texts me I’m in the habit of immediately responding by texting them back or shortly thereafter if I’m kinda busy. So then if I text you and you take several days to text me back, or do not respond period. I’m happy with that vibration because “now I know” my relationship with that person. So I just chill out on that person and I prefer to leave their energy alone.

So yes, I choose to stay back because it seems they are quite content in their space and so I prefer to be happy for them. And at that point, I don’t try to force my relationship on them unless it has something to do with a business partnership or something like that, but in regards to my personal life, I prefer to leave their type of energy alone. Why? Because in this world we all are different people. And different people take different ways. So I prefer to be happy for them. I am happy that they are happy, at peace, in tranquility, and are in Shalom by not responding to me. Lol! I don’t judge them. Instead, I gradually take myself away from their lives or remove myself from their space.

In my conclusion, I understand that this person has gravitated in my life for a reason and that reason is to teach me something.

When in doubt and as in human nature you may do as I once did, wonder and question yourself by asking the universe… What did I do? Why don’t they respond to me? Why don’t they like me? Well, the answer is that I did nothing, and also you may have done absolutely nothing at all.

You have only to realize that this someone might have been put in your life so you can shift your focus and attention elsewhere and not give away your power.

I tell you, that I’ve learned early on that it’s best to not rely on the kind of people whose vibrations and energy levels are lower or in the negative sphere because these are the types of people that will crush your spirit and will stomp down and not support you as much as you would like them to. So it’s best to pay attention and beware! It’s best not to do it. Stay as far away from their energy as possible. Be happy for them because they are quite content with the way they are.

So instead choose to be with or around someone whose vibrations/energy help in raising yours. And these are the souls who acknowledge you. Who text you back. Who call and check in on you on a regular basis and are the kind of people who are down for you! Lol! Stand up and notice that they are the ones placed in your life to help raise you up.


~How To Raise Your Vibration… 5 top ways~



~Increase Your Vibration… Bob Proctor~



~12 Ways To Raise Your Vibration + Frequency… Lavendaire~



~Raise Your Frequency… Mei-lan~ (Sound)



For More Information on this type of topic kindly see the articles and links below:

~No Response Is A Response (and it’s a powerful one) by Leah Lee~ AND

~22 Secrets To Raise Your Vibrations by Elena Bensonoff~ AND

~Text Messaging Etiquette… How Long Do You Have To Respond (USA Today)~

~Texting Manners by Emily Post~

~How Long A Person Takes To Text You Back And What It Actually Means~ (This article is quite comedic and so funny… I had to laugh at reading it. So check this one out if you want a good laugh)



~22 Secrets To Raise Your Vibrations by Elena Bensonoff~



~Text Messaging Etiquette… How Long Do You Have To Respond~



~Texting Manners by Emily Post~



~How Long A Person Takes To Text You Back And What It Actually Means~ (Quite funny)



Here at this link is a list of books on raising your vibration. (I like the book named “Tend To Your Vibration” best)




~~ Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today. I hope you enjoyed my post.~~

~Have an awesome day, peeps!~~


About lovelyseasonscomeandgo.wordpress.com

I like to call my self a happy soul, a daydreamer and have a heart of a gypsy. Love to use my imagination. And trying out new things. Life can be so wonderful and enjoyable when I am being positive and releasing.
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